We are halfway through the year lovelies!
Congratulations on making it this far into the challenge! At this point, you have been able to see when you’re consciously working on your mind then your feelings towards the world around you conform to the confidence and the self assured version of you.
You no longer feel lack but strength and confidence as a woman that you should, you have realized there is nothing that can make you the best version of yourself other than you!
You are a woman! You exist and thrive despite a patriarchal society, you are love and warmth, you are capable and unstoppable because you are a woman fully in love with herself and her power. Use our affirmations this month to really sink into the feeling of being the strong woman you are.
For our song this month we want to continue to encourage that spirit! You are a phenomenal woman, let this song be your soundtrack for the month. You are free to own exactly who you are every day.
With our journal prompt, we want to encourage you to find gratitude. You have a sensational life, beautiful woman, now let’s explore exactly what it is that you like. When we shift our focus to the things we have we are creating the mindset of abundance. We are letting go of lack because we are women living in their phenomenal era.