TYC Seller Help
We will accept your full catalog as long as your products do not violate our Product Guidelines. To ensure your TYC marketplace shop is ready for customers, we suggest having at least 10 products listed. Any products with a retail price of $500 or greater will be considered final sale. For products $500 or greater, we suggest uploading several detailed images along with a well-written item description with details about the product. As a TYC Marketplace Seller we require that your shop maintains the following decorum:
- Consistent excellent customer service
- Offer a unique product catalog
- Competitive pricing
- Quick order fulfillment
What is the commission rate?
The standard commission rate for ongoing orders from The Yuppie Closet marketplace is 15%.
How to upload your catalog?
Use our simple CSV bulk upload found in your seller dashboard.
Prohibited Products
All products listed for sale on The Yuppie Closet Marketplace must comply with any applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations. This page identifies certain products and categories that cannot be listed on The Yuppie Closet Marketplace. The Yuppie Closet will remove any product listing that may be in violation of law, its policies, or that is incompatible with its brand. In addition, corrective actions may be taken as circumstances dictate, including suspension and/or termination of a seller's account.
- Counterfeit products or products that you do not have the right to sell, make or that are not under your brand. The Yuppie Closet does not allow products or listings that use a brand’s name, logo, or protected design without the brand owner’s consent or permission, even if the product is up-cycled or repurposed from authentic materials.
- Firearms/firearm ammunition
- Weapons, including knives, explosives and related items
- Products containing any amount of alcohol
- Products containing any amount of drugs, including prescription, legal or illegal drugs
- Any products that contain Cannabidiol (CBD) or Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC); this includes products with Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, Cannabis ruderalis, full spectrum hemp oil and rich hemp oil
- Drug paraphernalia
- Cigarettes, cigars, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, vape sticks or pens, hookah pipes and other smoking paraphernalia
- Any hazardous, toxic, flammable, biohazardous, unsafe or dangerous products
- Any recalled products
- Dietary supplements
- Animal or animal products, including fur (excluding leather goods)
- Children’s car seats or harnesses
- Pornography, including images, videos or other offensive materials
- Products that are offensive or promote, incite or glorify hate or violence towards any person or group
- Culturally insensitive products
- Products related to terrorist organizations
- Confederate flag merchandise
- Software
- Gift cards
- Tickets (lottery, e-tickets, and tickets for sporting or other entertainment events)
- Medical devices
- Currency, coins, cash equivalents, Bitcoin or other similar digital currency
- Stamps
- Fine art
- Gambling or lottery related items
- Any perishable foods (defined as shelf life under 30 days or as required by applicable law, rule or regulation), including meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and dairy products
- Any products containing asbestos or flame-retardant chemicals
- Counterfeit goods
- Used goods
- Any other products that The Yuppie Closet determines in its discretion to be inappropriate for availability on The Yuppie Closet marketplace.
The Yuppie Closet's Marketplace Prohibited Products List is subject to change without notice, so please check this page often.