Our Packaging

We collaborated closely with our packaging suppliers to reduce the ecological effect of our iconic shipping box. Drawing from local mills with up to 65% recycled materials, our signature boxes are equipped with vegetable based inks to bar toxins and optimize recyclability. Perfect for reusing, many of our customers do, and we don't include envelopes nor packaging notes, while our return and swing tags are sustainably and recyclably sourced. Always in search of greener solutions to shrink our environmental footprint, we will continue to update you on the changes we make.

Our signature hue packaging is designed to keep celebrating, with strong and lasting packaging that customers look forward to every season.

Our shopping bags are kept deliberately clean, allowing you the freedom to express your creativity and impart a personalized touch, making your gift a truly unique one.
There are a plethora of imaginative methods for reusing our shipping bags & boxes, though we particularly admire the use of these boxes in providing comfort to military personnel through care packages or collecting essential items for local family shelters.